Our Research - Aeroacoustics

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Aircraft airframe noise: Large-eddy simulation of jet interaction with a wing

Jet engines and airframes are the two main contributors to aircraft noise, with the latter including both high-lift devices and landing gears. To achieve reductions in aircraft noise, it is necessary ....

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Aircraft airframe noise: Slat noise attenuation with acoustic liner treatment

The significant contribution of the flows around the leading edge slat on the wing of a commercial aircraft to the airframe noise during approach and landing motivates this research project to identif....

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Aircraft airframe noise: Investigation of aircraft noise in steep approach

Airframe noise has been found to be the dominant source of noise for an aircraft on approach to landing. Airframe noise is made up of the HLD noise and landing gear noise. In order to reduce noise on ....

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Aircraft airframe noise: Blowing for bluff-body noise control

Landing gear noise is a major contributor to airframe noise. Wakes from upstream components impinging on downstream components are a significant source of noise. This work investigates the use of flow....

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Aircraft Engine Studies: Modelling next generation CROR aircraft

Contra-rotating open rotors (CRORs) show promise for use in future aircraft propulsion systems, but suffer from high noise emissions. Both tonal and broadband noise emissions are produced by CRORs.....

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Aircraft Engine Studies: Development of a whole-aicraft noise model

We develop an advanced computer program to estimate aircraft noise, both far-field radiation and scattering on fuselage.....

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