Aircraft airframe noise: Large-eddy simulation of jet interaction with a wing

Last updated on April 5, 2022

Jet engines and airframes are the two main contributors to aircraft noise, with the latter including both high-lift devices and landing gears. To achieve reductions in aircraft noise, it is necessary to reduce the noise from all components that contribute significantly to the total noise and noise due to the interactions between components. Noise generation by the vortical flow from jet engine interacting with airframe structures, such as high-left devices when the wing is at landing configuration with flap deployed, is a fundamental problem affecting the design and performance of an aircraft and its system. Understanding of the installation effect would help to design more efficient and more environmentally friendly aircraft. The main objectives for this study were to: 1. Investigate aerodynamic noise due to the interaction of the vortical flow from a jet engine with high-lift devices; 2. Perform LES for the turbulent flow around wings, with and without the influence from the jet. Understand flow physics and noise generation mechanisms for the phenomenon of jet wing interaction; 3. Investigate the radiated noise to far field due to jet-wing interaction using the FW-H method for sound wave propagation, to compare predicted far Veld noise with experimental data.

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Xin Zhang