Ryu Fattah's Personal Profile


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Wind Tunnel Engineer/Manager
Work Description

Manage operations at the Aerodynamics and Acoustics Facility (formerly the Wind/Wave Tunnel Facility).

Short Bio

Dr Ryu Fattah is the Engineer/Manager of the Aerodynamics and Acoustics Facility (AAF) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He received his MEng degree in aeronautics and astronautics from the University of Southampton with first-class honours in 2010. He joined the Airbus Noise Technology Centre (ANTC) at the University of Southampton (UoS) in 2010 and obtained his PhD in 2016. His PhD thesis focused on airframe noise, specifically by the landing gear system. He designed and conducted experiments in the UoS wind tunnels, and developed the ANTC's high-order computational aeroacoustics code. In 2014 he became a member of a 2-year ANTC-Airbus project that involved experiments in the Airbus wind tunnel at Bristol, UK. Afterwards, he joined HKUST in October 2016 and worked as a research fellow on high-order numerical modelling and establish the group's research into drone/UAV aeroacoustics.

Recent posts
Affiliated Publications
Tags Description Year
Ryu Fattah Xin Zhang Yi Fang Jingwen Guo Guo, Jingwen, Xin Zhang, Yi Fang, and Ryu Fattah. "Manipulating reflected acoustic wave via Helmholtz resonators with varying-length extended necks." Journal of Applied Physics 124, no. 10 (2018): 104902; 2018
Ryu Fattah Xin Zhang Yi Fang Jingwen Guo Guo, Jingwen, Xin Zhang, Yi Fang, and Ryu Fattah. "Reflected wave manipulation by inhomogeneous impedance via varying-depth acoustic liners." Journal of Applied Physics123, no. 17 (2018): 174902; 2018
Ryu Fattah Xin Zhang Siyang Zhong Sun, Y., Fattah, R., Zhong, S., Zhang, X., "Stable time-domain CAA simulations with linearised governing equations", Computers and Fluids, 167, 187-195, 2018; 2018
Ryu Fattah Xin Zhang Siyang Zhong S. Zhong, X. Zhang*, J. Gill, R. Fattah, and Y. Sun, "A numerical investigation of the airfoil-gust interaction noise in transonic flows. Acoustic processes", J. Sound Vib., 425, pp. 239-256, 2018; 2018
Ryu Fattah Xin Zhang Gill, J., Fattah, R. & Zhang, X. "Towards an effective non-reflective boundary condition for computational aeroacoustics," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 392(31) March 2017, Pages 217-231 2017
Ryu Fattah Xin Zhang Fattah Ryu, Gill James, Zhang Xin, "Towards a Generic Non-Reflective Characteristic Boundary Condition for Aeroacoustic Simulations" 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June 2016, AIAA Paper 2016-2914 2016
Ryu Fattah Xin Zhang Siyang Zhong Gill James, Zhang Xin, Zhong Siyang, Fattah Ryu, "Airfoil-Gust Interactions in Transonic Flow" 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June 2016, AIAA Paper 2016-2872 2016
Ryu Fattah Xin Zhang Siyang Zhong Sun, Y., Zhong, S., Fattah, R., and Zhang, X., "An evaluation of gradient term modification method for linearized Euler equations" 23th International Congress on Sound & Vibration, Athens, Greece, from 10 to 14 July 2016, no.98, 2016. 2016
Ryu Fattah Xin Zhang Fattah, Ryu, Angland, D., and , Zhang, X., "A priori grid quality estimation for high-order finite differencing," Journal of Computational Physics, 315, 15 June 2016, pp. 629-643. 2016