Prof. Zhou Peng was invited to attend the signing ceremony between bossini.X and the HK cycling team

Prof. Zhou Peng from AANTC participated in the signing ceremony between bossini.X and the Hong Kong Cycling Team, which took place on April 18th at the Jockey Club Lecture Theatre in the Olympic Building. During the event, Professor Zhou introduced the team's newly designed next-generation high-performance racing jerseys for the Hong Kong team. The collaboration between AANTC and bossini.X leveraged the research strength of the team in aerodynamics and cycling apparel development, combined with bossini.X's expertise in sports apparel manufacturing, to comprehensively optimize the cycling jerseys. Using 3D scanning technology, computational fluid dynamics simulations, and advanced wind tunnel testing, the team conducted multiple rounds of design optimization, focusing on factors such as fabric distribution and stretch ratios of the jerseys. The optimized cycling jerseys can reduce drag by up to 3% at racing speeds, giving the Hong Kong team a technological advantage in future competitions.