Research Assistant (RA) and Research Fellow (RF) in Sports-Engineering Aerodynamics

March 17, 2023


Several research assistant and research fellow positions are available at Aerodynamics Acoustics and Noise control Technology Centre (AANTC), HKUST. The position is part of an exciting opportunity to work with professional sports teams, aerodynamic specialists, and racing car professionals. The successful applicant will participate in a multi-year research project that focuses on experimental, numerical, and analytical methods to investigate and improve the aerodynamic performance and racing strategies of professional cyclists, windsurfers, triathletes and so on. The research will be centred around a newly commissioned large low-noise wind tunnel at HKUST. The computational modelling work will be conducted using on-site and off-site supercomputing facilities. Field tests in collaboration with Hong Kong Sports Institute are also possible. The position can lead to PhD/MPhil opportunities.


Key responsibilities can be in one or more fields below:


Key requirements include (but are not necessarily mandatory):


Job start date: 1st April 2023 and onwards.

Salary: 18,000–21,000 HKD/month (RA) and 22,000 – 32,000 HKD/month (RA); negotiable.

If you are interested, please send your CV to Prof. ZHOU Peng ( and Prof. ZHANG Xin (